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Our House System

We are delighted to announce the reintroduction of our House System in September 2024. 

From the start of school, all pupils are assigned to one of our three school houses: Green, Orange, and Purple. Siblings are always in the same house, as we believe this fosters a sense of community (and prevents any family rivalry at home!) 

Each September, we hold a competition where children are given the opportunity to name their house for the academic year. Our theme for 2024 is "Sporting Heroes". 

Each child's individual achievements, tracked through our Class Charts software, contribute to their house's overall success.  Competitive events – academic and sporting – are held throughout the school year. Points are assigned, and the house with the most points at the end of the year is presented with the House Cup at the final assembly of the academic year.

Pupils are made very aware of how important it is to be either a humble winner or a gracious loser. Competition is healthy and succeeds in bringing the very best out of children.