Read Write Inc
At Portfields, your child is taught to read using the Read Write Inc. (RWI) phonics programme. Read Write Inc., developed by Ruth Miskin, provides a structured and systematic approach to teaching early reading. It is designed to create fluent readers and confident speakers. All children in EYFS and Key Stage One have explicit phonics lessons throughout their first three years at school.
Please see the helpful video below of how to pronounce the Set 1, Set 2 and Set 3 sounds.
As your child learns to read, they will move through different stages. These are called a ‘set’. First, your child will learn to read sounds written with one letter. They will then learn to read sounds written with two and three letters (your child will call these ‘special friends’). As they learn new sounds, they will learn to read words containing these sounds by sound-blending, e.g. s-a-t sat, sh-i-p ship, s-t-ay stay.
Teaching staff ensure all phonemes are pronounced purely, without an additional 'uh' on the end of each sound – known as 'schwa' - which can potentially confuse children when combining the sounds together into words, for example:
/p/ /o/ /t/ = pot (correct)
/puh/ /o/ /tuh/ = puhotuh (incorrect)
How can I help at home?
Read Write Inc. books are sent home to further consolidate learning and increase pupils’ success with reading. Gradually, pupils are exposed to a variety of texts, which build their comprehension skills and their vocabulary. As a result, children become confident readers early on and shift from ‘learning to read’ to ‘reading to learn.’
A key element of learning to read is developing comprehension, fluency and expression. This comes from children reading sounds and words that they are secure in. Please encourage your child to read their reading book at least three times, with each read building on the last. Please remember, children enjoy re-reading stories they know well and their speed and understanding improves on every read.
Each time your child reads, please focus on the following:
First read: read every word accurately
Second read: read more words ‘at a glance’
Third read: read the whole story accurately, fluently and with a storyteller voice
When your child reads the story, ask them to sound out the words that they can’t read automatically. For example, sh-ee-p sheep. Please don’t allow your child to struggle too much or guess the word by using the pictures. Praise them when they succeed.
Within our phonics lessons, we teach Story Green Words, Speedy Green Words and Red Words.
Story Green Words are unfamiliar words children will encounter within their class story book.
Speedy Green Words
Speedy Green Words are high frequency words found in lots of stories. These words are always taught first by sound-blending. Children then practise reading the words at speed so they can read the stories without sounding out each word. Children’s effort can then go into comprehending the story.
Red Words
Red Words are non-decodable words, meaning children will learn to read them at a glance.
Useful Links
Oxford Owl - Coming Soon